All the Derivation Rules of SD and

$`\forall\text{'}$ Rules

Universal Introduction $(\forall\text{I})$

$\rhd$ $(\forall x)\mathscr{P}$
  1. $a$ does not occur in an undischarged assumption.
  2. $a$ does not occur in $(\forall x)\mathscr{P}.$

Universal Elimination $(\forall\text{E})$

$(\forall x)\mathscr{P}$
$\rhd$ $\mathscr{P}(a/x)$

$`\exists\text{'}$ Rules

Existential Introduction $(\exists\text{I})$

$\rhd$ $(\exists x)\mathscr{P}$

Existential Elimination $(\exists\text{E})$

$(\exists x)\mathscr{P}$
$\rhd$ $\mathscr{Q}$
  1. $a$ does not occur in an undischarged assumption.
  2. $a$ does not occur in $(\exists x)\mathscr{P}.$
  3. $a$ does not occur in $\mathscr{Q}.$