Definition. Isometry (Motion). Let $P$ denote the set of all points in the plane, and $M$ the set of all permutations of $P$ that preserve distance between points. The permutations in $M$ are called motions or isometries of the plane.

Definition. Rotations. If $p$ is a fixed point in $P,$ then any rotation of the plane about $p$ is a motion of the plane. Rotations were discussed in . and .

Definition. Reflections. The reflection of the plane $P$ through a line $L$ in $P$, the mapping that sends each point $p$ in $P$ to the point $q$ such that $L$ is the perpendicular bisector of the segment $pq,$ is a motion of the plane.

Definition. Translations. A translation of the plane $P$, a mapping that sends all points the same distance in the same direction, for instance, the translation sending $p_1$ to $q_1$ in Figure 8.2 would send $p_2$ to $q_2$ and $p_3$ to $q_3,$ is a motion of the plane.

Note. See Section 54 for another type of motion of a plane, glide reflection.

Theorem 8.1. The set $M$ of all motions (isometries) of a plane $P$ is a subgroup of $\Sym(P).$

Note. For $p,q\in P$ let $d(p,q)$ denote the distance between $p$ and $q.$ With this notation, if $\alpha\in\Sym(P)$ then \( \alpha\in M \) iff \( d(\alpha(p),\alpha(q))=d(p,q). \)

Definition. Symmetry Group. If $T$ is a set of points in a plane, then $M_{(T)},$ the group of all motions leaving $T$ invariant, is called the group of symmetries (or symmetry group) of $T.$

Example 8.1. Symmetry Groups. Symmetries of the square, rectangle, and parallelogram are examples of symmetry groups, discussed in greater detail next.

Example 8.1.1. If the vertices of a square are given by $T=\{a,b,c,d\},$ then $M_{(T)},$ the symmetry group of $T,$ is called the group of symmetries (symmetry group) of the square.

Example 8.1.2. If the vertices of a rectangle are given by $T=\{a,b,c,d\},$ then $M_{(T)},$ the symmetry group of $T,$ is called the group of symmetries (symmetry group) of the rectangle.

Example 8.1.3. If the vertices of a parallelogram are given by $T=\{a,b,c,d\},$ then $M_{(T)},$ the symmetry group of $T,$ is called the group of symmetries (symmetry group) of the parallelogram.

Theorem. Let $T=\{a,b,c,d\},$ be the vertices of a square, $H$ and $V$ be its horizonal and vertical bisectors, and $D_1,D_2$ its diagonals. Then the elements of $M_{(T)},$ the symmetry group of the square, are: \[ \begin{align*} \mu_1 &=\text{ identity permutation}\\ \mu_2 &=\text{ rotation } 90^\circ \text{clockwise around } p\\ \mu_3 &=\text{ rotation } 180^\circ \text{clockwise around } p\\ \mu_4 &=\text{ rotation } 270^\circ \text{clockwise around } p\\ \mu_5 &=\text{ reflection through }H\\ \mu_6 &=\text{ reflection through }V\\ \mu_7 &=\text{ reflection through }D_1\\ \mu_8 &=\text{ reflection through }D_2 \end{align*} \] Furthermore, $M_{(T)}$ is a subgroup of $M$ (), which in turn is a subgroup of $\Sym(P)$ (Theorem 8.1), and $\abs{M_{(T)}}=8.$

Theorem. Let $T=\{a,b,c,d\},$ be the vertices of a rectangle, and $H$ and $V$ be its horizonal and vertical bisectors. Then the elements of $M_{(T)},$ the symmetry group of the rectangle, are: \[ \begin{align*} \mu_1 &=\text{ identity permutation}\\ \mu_3 &=\text{ rotation } 180^\circ \text{clockwise around } p\\ \mu_5 &=\text{ reflection through }H\\ \mu_6 &=\text{ reflection through }V\\ \end{align*} \] Furthermore, $M_{(T)}$ is a subgroup of the symmetry group of the square, and $\abs{M_{(T)}}=4.$

Theorem. Let $T=\{a,b,c,d\},$ be the vertices of a parallelogram. Then the elements of $M_{(T)},$ the symmetry group of the parallelogram, are: \[ \begin{align*} \mu_1 &=\text{ identity permutation}\\ \mu_3 &=\text{ rotation } 180^\circ \text{clockwise around } p\\ \end{align*} \] Furthermore, $M_{(T)}$ is a subgroup of the symmetry group of the rectangle, and $\abs{M_{(T)}}=2.$

Note. Any motion of one of the figures will permute the vertices of the figure among themselves and the sides of the figures among themselves. Moreover, any motion will be completely determined by the way it permutes the vertices. Therefore, there is a natural correspondence between the symmetry group of the figure and the group $\Sym(T)=\Sym\{a,b,c,d\}.$ That is to say, there is a natural correspondence between the symmetry group of the square (rectangle, parallelogram) and the symmetric group on its (respectively) vertices. This correspondence allows us to conclude that the order of the symmetry group of the figure is at most the same as the order of $\Sym(T),$ or $4!=24.$ In fact, the order must be less, because some permutations of the vertices clearly cannot arise from motions of the plane. In fact, the orders are $8,4$ and $2$ respectively. Notice the more symmetric the figure, the larger its group of symmetries.

Guevara Note. Look ahead to for a more precise explanation of the preceding note on order.

Guevara Note. Although we reuse $T=\{a,b,c,d\}$ for the vertices of each of the three figures, respectively, possible because they are all quadrilaterals, it is important to realize we are not assuming these points to be the same set of vertices between figures. Even if two figures shared some vertices, they could not all coincide, since the very definition of each figure dictates that the relative position of their vertices differ. Therefore, with the understanding that $T$ is a different set of vertices for each figure, it follows, in particular, that $M_{(T)}$ is a different group of symmetries for each figure. Comparing the listings of their members, and their orders, reflects that.

Table 8.1. Cayley table for Symmetries of Square
$\circ$ $\mu_1$ $\mu_2$ $\mu_3$ $\mu_4$ $\mu_5$ $\mu_6$ $\mu_7$ $\mu_8$
$\mu_1$ $\mu_1$ $\mu_2$ $\mu_3$ $\mu_4$ $\mu_5$ $\mu_6$ $\mu_7$ $\mu_8$
$\mu_2$ $\mu_2$ $\mu_3$ $\mu_4$ $\mu_1$ $\mu_7$ $\mu_8$ $\mu_6$ $\mu_5$
$\mu_3$ $\mu_3$ $\mu_4$ $\mu_1$ $\mu_2$ $\mu_6$ $\mu_5$ $\mu_8$ $\mu_7$
$\mu_4$ $\mu_4$ $\mu_1$ $\mu_2$ $\mu_3$ $\mu_8$ $\mu_7$ $\mu_5$ $\mu_6$
$\mu_5$ $\mu_5$ $\mu_8$ $\mu_6$ $\mu_7$ $\mu_1$ $\mu_3$ $\mu_4$ $\mu_2$
$\mu_6$ $\mu_6$ $\mu_7$ $\mu_5$ $\mu_8$ $\mu_3$ $\mu_1$ $\mu_2$ $\mu_4$
$\mu_7$ $\mu_7$ $\mu_5$ $\mu_8$ $\mu_6$ $\mu_2$ $\mu_4$ $\mu_1$ $\mu_3$
$\mu_8$ $\mu_8$ $\mu_6$ $\mu_7$ $\mu_5$ $\mu_4$ $\mu_2$ $\mu_3$ $\mu_1$