Definition. (Page 49) A relation $\sim$ on a nonempty set $S$ is an equivalence relation on $S$ if it satisfies the following three properties:

  • Reflexive. If $a\in S$ then $a\sim a.$
  • Symmetric. If $a,b\in S$ and $a\sim b$ then $b\sim a.$
  • Transitive. If $a,b,c\in S$ and $a\sim b$ and $b\sim c,$ then $a\sim c.$

Example 9.1. Let $p$ denote a fixed point in a plane $P,$ and for points $x$ and $y$ in $P$ let $x\sim y$ mean that $x$ and $y$ are equidistant from $p.$ This is an equivalence relation on the set of points in $P.$ A point $x$ will be equivalent to a point $q$ iff $x$ lies on the circle through $q$ with center $p.$ (The point $p$ is equivalent only to itself; think of $\{p\}$ as a circle with radius $0$.)

Example 9.2. Let $L$ denote the set of all lines in a plane with rectangular coordinate system. For $l_1,l_2\in L,$ let $l_1\sim l_2$ mean that $l_1$ and $l_2$ have equal slopes or that both slopes are undefined. This is an equivalence relation on $L.$ The set of lines equivalent to a line $l$ consists of $l$ and all lines in $L$ that are parallel to $l.$

Example 9.3. Let $\alpha:S\rightarrow T$ be a mapping. For $x,y\in S,$ let $x\sim y$ mean that $\alpha(x)=\alpha(y).$ This is an equivalence relation on $S.$ Here are two special cases.

  1. Let $S=\{u,v,w\},$ $T=\{1,2,3\},$ and define $\alpha:S\rightarrow T$ by $$ \alpha(u)=3,\quad \alpha(v)=1,\quad \alpha(w)=3. $$ Then $u\sim w$ because $\alpha(u)=\alpha(w)$ But $u\not\sim v$ because $\alpha(u)\ne\alpha(v).$ Here is a complete list of the equivalences between elements of $S:$ $$ u\sim u,\quad v\sim v,\quad w\sim w,\quad u\sim w,\quad w\sim u $$
  2. Let $S=T=\R$ and let $\alpha$ be the sine function. Then $x_1\sim x_2$ iff $sin x_1=sin x_2.$ Thus, for example, the set of real numbers equivalent to $pi$ in this case is $$ \{ x \mid \sin x = 0 \} = \{0, \pm\pi, \pm 2\pi, \ldots \} $$

Note. (Page 50) A different way to define the equivalence relation in example Example N 9.1 is to say that $x\sim y$ iff $x$ and $y$ lie on a common circle with center $p.$ These circles form a partition of the set of points in the plane, in the sense of the following definition.

Definition. (Page 50) A collection $\mathcal{P}$ of nonempty subsets of a nonempty set $S$ forms a partition of $S$ provided

  1. $S$ is the union of the sets in $\mathcal{P},$ and
  2. if $A$ and $B$ are in $\mathcal{P}$ and $A\ne B,$ then $A\cap B=\varnothing.$

Alternatively, the collection $\mathcal{P}$ forms a partition of $S$ if each element of $S$ is contained in one and only one of the sets in $\mathcal{P}.$

Notice that each element of $\mathcal{P}$ is a subset of $S.$

Definition. (Page 51) Let $\sim$ be an equivalence relation on a set $S,$ let $a\in S,$ and let $[a]=\{x\in S \mid a\sim x\}.$ This subset $[a]$ of $S$ is called the equivalence class of $a$ (relative to $\sim.$)

Theorem 9.1. If $\sim$ is an equivalence relation on a set $S,$ then the set of equivalence classes of $\sim$ forms a partition of $S.$ Converseley, let $\mathcal{P}$ be a partition of $S,$ and define a relation $\sim$ on $S$ by $a\sim b$ iff there is a set in $\mathcal{P}$ that contains both $a$ and $b;$ then $\sim$ is an equivalence relation on $S.$ Thus there is a natural one-to-one correspondence between the equivalence relations on a set and the partitions of the set.

Example 9.4. Let $E$ denote the set of even integers and $O$ the set of odd integers. Then $\{E,O\}$ forms a partition of the set of all integers. For the corresponding equivalence relation, $a\sim b$ iff $a$ and $b$ are both even or both odd. Alternatively, $a\sim b$ iff $a-b$ is even.

Definition. (Page 52) In working with an equivalence relation on a set $S,$ it is often useful to have a complete set of equivalence class representatives —that is, a subset of $S$ containing precisely one element from each equivalence class.

Example 9.5.

  1. In Example N 9.4, $\{0,1\}$ is a complete set of equivalence class representatives. Each integer is equivalent to either $0$ or $1,$ but no integer is equivalent to both. More generally, any set $\{a,b\}$ of integers with $a$ even and $b$ odd is a complete set of equivalence class representatives in this case.
  2. In Example N 9.3, $\{u,v\}$ is a complete set of equivalence class representatives. Another complete set of equivalence class representatives in this case is $\{v,w\}.$
  3. In Example N 9.1, the set of all points on any ray (half-line) with endpoint $p$ is a complete set of equivalence class representatives, because such a ray intersects each equivalence class (circle centered at $p$) in precisely one point.

Theorem 9.2. Let $G$ be a permutation group on $S$ and define a relation $\sim$ on $S$ by \[ a\sim b \quad\text{ iff }\quad \alpha(a)=b \quad \text{ for some } \alpha\in G \] Then $\sim$ is an equivalence relation on $S.$

Example 9.6. Consider Theorem 9.2 for $S=\{1,2,3,4,5\}$ and $G$ the group $\{(1),(1\,2\,5),(1\,5\,2)\}.$ In this case, the equivalence classes are $$ \{1,2,5\},\quad \{3\},\quad \{4\}. $$ A complete set of equivalence class representatives is $\{1,3,4\}.$