Theorem 15.1. If $\cal{C}$ denotes any collection of subgroups of a group $G,$ then the intersection of all of the groups in $\cal{C}$ is also a subgroup of $G.$

Example 15.1. In $\Z$ (operation addition), $\gen{3}$ consists of all the multiples of $3$ and $\gen{4}$ consists of all multiples of $4.$ Because a number is a multiple of both $3$ and $4$ iff it is a multiple of $12,$ we have \[ \gen{3}\cap\gen{4}=\gen{12}. \] Also, \[ \gen{6}\cap\gen{8}=\gen{24}. \]

Note. In the previous example, note that $\text{LCM}(3,4)=12$ and $\text{LCM}(6,8)=24.$ Look ahead to Problem 15.24.

Definition. If $S$ is any subset of a group $G,$ then $\gen{S}$ is the intersection of all of the subgroups of $G$ that contain $S.$

Theorem 15.2. $\gen{S}$ is the unique smallest subgroup of $G$ that contains $S,$ in the sense that

  1. $\gen{S}$ contains $S.$
  2. $\gen{S}$ is a subgroup, and
  3. if $H$ is any subgroup of $G$ that contains $S,$ then $H$ contains $\gen{S}.$

Definition. We say that $S$ generates $\gen{S}$ and that $\gen{S}$ is generated by $S.$ If $S=\{a_1,\ldots,a_n\},$ then we write \[ \gen{S}=\gen{a_1,\ldots,a_n} \] rather than \[ \gen{S}=\gen{\{ a_1,\ldots,a_n \}}. \] If $S=\{a\}$ then \( \gen{S}=\gen{a} \) is just the cyclic subgroup generated by $a.$

Example 15.2 The subgroup $\gen{9,12}$ of the group of integers must contain $12+(-9)=3.$ Therefore, $\gen{9,12}$ must contain all multiples of $3.$ That is, \( \gen{9,12}\supseteq\gen{3}. \) But also, \( \gen{9,12}\subseteq\gen{3}, \) since both $9$ and $12$ are multiples of $3.$ Therefore, \( \gen{9,12}=\gen{3}. \) The next theorem generalizes this example.

Theorem 15.3. If $T_1$ and $T_2$ are subsets of a group $G,$ then \( \gen{T_1}=\gen{T_2} \) iff \( T_1\subseteq\gen{T_2} \) and \( \gen{T_1}\supseteq T_2. \)

Steps. Use repeated applications of to find the elements of $\gen{S}$ as follows:

  1. Adjoin to $S$ all elements $ab$ for $a,b\in S.$
  2. Adjoin to $S$ all elements $a^{-1}$ for $a\in S.$
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 on the new set obtained from steps 1 and 2.
  4. Stop when no more new elements are found.

Theorem. If $S$ is a nonempty subset of $G$ then \( \gen{S}=\{ a_1\cdots a_k\mid k \) a positive integer, \( a_i\in S \) or \( a_i^{-1}\in S \) for all \( i=1,\ldots,k\}. \)

Example 15.3. Using Theorem 15.3, verify that in $S_4,$ \[ \gen{(1\ 2\ 4),(2\ 3\ 4)} =\gen{(1\ 2\ 3),(1\ 2)(3\ 4)}. \]

Definition. If $A$ and $B$ are groups, then $A\times B$ is the Cartesian product of $A$ and $B.$ \[ A\times B=\{(a,b)\mid a\in A\text{ and } b\in B\}. \]

Theorem 15.4. If $A$ and $B$ are groups, then $A\times B$ is a group with respect to the operation defined by \[ (a_1,b_1)(a_2,b_2)=(a_1a_2,b_1b_2) \] for all $a_1,a_2\in A$ and $b_1,b_2\in B,$ where $a_1a_2$ is the operation in $A$ and $b_1b_2$ is the operation in $B.$ The group $A\times B$ (with this operation) is called the direct product of $A$ and $B.$

Example. In $\Z\times\Z$ we have \[ (a,b)(c,d)=(a+c,b+d). \]

Theorem. If $A$ and $B$ are finite, then so is $A\times B$, and \[ \abs{A\times B}=\abs{A}\cdot\abs{B}. \]

Example. \( \abs{\Z_m\times\Z_n} =\abs{\Z_m}\cdot\abs{\Z_n} =mn. \)

Example 15.4. Find the elements of $\Z_3\times S_2$ and compute $ab$ for two elements $a$ and $b$ in the group.

Theorem. If $A$ and $B$ are groups, then \[ A\times\{e\}=\{(a,e)\mid a\in A\} \] and \[ \{e\}\times B=\{(e,b)\mid b\in B\} \] are subgroups of $A\times B.$