Definition. Let $G$ be a group with operation $*$ and let $H$ be a group with operation $\hash.$ An isomorphism of $G$ onto $H$ is a mapping $\theta:G\rightarrow H$ that is one-to-one and onto and satisfies, for all $a,b\in G,$ \[ \theta(a*b)=\theta(a)\hash\theta(b). \]

Definition. If there is an isomorphism of $G$ onto $H,$ then $G$ and $H$ are said to be isomorphic, and we write $G\approx H.$ The condition \( \theta(a*b)=\theta(a)\hash\theta(b) \) is sometimes described by saying that $\theta$ preserves the operation.

Note. It makes no difference whether we operate in $G$ and then apply $\theta$ or apply $\theta$ first and then operate in $H,$ we get the same result either way.

Example 18.1. The obvious mapping from Arabic to Roman numerals is an isomorphism.

Example 18.2. The following mapping from $\gen{(1\ 2 \ 3)}$ to $\Z_3,$ is an isomorphism. The elements and operation of the former are permutations and composition, the latter, congruence classes and addition modulo 3. \begin{align*} (1)&\mapsto[0]\\ (1\ 2\ 3)&\mapsto[1]\\ (1\ 3\ 2)&\mapsto[2] \end{align*}

Example 18.3. The mapping from the set of all integers with addition, to the set of even integers with addition, is an isomorphism.

Example 18.4. The function $\log=\log_{10},$ from the positive reals with multiplication, to the reals with addition, is an isomorphism, since \[ \log(xy)=\log{x}+\log{y}. \]

Theorem 18.1. If $G$ and $H$ are isomorphic groups and $G$ is Abelian, then $H$ is Abelian.

Definition. If $G$ and $H$ are groups with operations $*$ and $\hash,$ respectively, then $\theta:G\rightarrow H$ is a homomorphism if, for all $a,b\in G,$ \[ \theta(a*b)=\theta(a)\hash\theta(b) \]

Guevara Corollary. Thus, an isomorphism is a homomorphism that is one-to-one and onto.

Theorem 18.2. Let $G$ and $H$ be groups with operations $*$ and $\hash,$ respectively, and $\theta:G\rightarrow H$ be a homomorphism. Then

  1. \( \theta(e_G)=e_H \)
  2. \( \theta(a^{-1})=\theta(a)^{-1} \) for each $a\in G.$
  3. \( \theta(a^k)=\theta(a)^k \) for each $a\in G$ and integer $k.$
  4. \( \theta(G) \) the image of $\theta,$ is a subgroup of $H,$ and
  5. if $\theta$ is one-to-one, then \( G\approx\theta(G). \)