Page Description Equation
147 derivative of a function \[ f^\prime\left(x\right)=\lim\limits_{h\rightarrow0}\frac{f\left(x+h\right)-f\left(x\right)}{h} \]
149 Notations for the derivative \[ y',\frac{dy}{dx},\frac{df}{dx},\frac{d}{dx}f\left(x\right) \]
149 Notation for calculating a derivative \[ f'\left(a\right)=\left.\frac{dy}{dx} \right|_{x=a}=\lim\limits_{h\rightarrow0} \frac{f\left(a+h\right)-f\left(a\right)}{h} \]
149 derivative of a constant function for $k$ constant \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left(k\right)=0 \]
150 power rule for positive integers \[ \frac{d}{dx}x^n=nx^{n-1} \]
150 constant multiple rule \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left(cu\right)=c\frac{du}{dx} \]
151 derivative sum/difference rule \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left(u\pm v\right)=\frac{du}{dx}\pm\frac{dv}{dx} \]
152 derivative of a finite sum (use this rule to evaluate the derivative of a polynomial) \[ \frac{d}{dx}\sum_{i=1}^{n}u_i=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{du_i}{dx} \]
152 finding the horizontal tangents of a function. Solve. \[ \frac{dy}{dx}=0. \]
153 right-hand differentiable \[ \lim\limits_{h\rightarrow0^+}\frac{f\left(x+h\right)-f\left(x\right)}{h} \]
153 left-hand differentiable \[ \lim\limits_{h\rightarrow0^-}\frac{f\left(x+h\right)-f\left(x\right)}{h} \]
156 symbols for derivatives ("$y$ super $n$" for $y^{\left(n\right)}$) \[ y', y'', \frac{d^2y}{dx^2}, y^{\left(n\right)}, \frac{d^ny}{dx^n} \]
161 position function \[ s=f\left(t\right) \]
161 displacement \[ \Delta s=f\left(t+\Delta t\right)-f\left(t\right) \]
161 average velocity \[ v_{av}=\frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t} =\frac{f\left(t+\Delta t\right)-f\left(t\right)} {\Delta t} \]
161 instantaneous velocity \[ \begin{split} v\left(t\right) =\frac{ds}{dt} =\lim\limits_{\Delta t\rightarrow0}v_{av} \end{split} \]
162 speed \[ \abs{v\left(t\right)}=\abslr{\frac{ds}{dt}} \]
163 acceleration \[ a\left(t\right)=\frac{dv}{dt}=\frac{d^2s}{dt^2} \]
163 jerk \[ j\left(t\right)=\frac{da}{dt}=\frac{d^3s}{dt^3} \]
163 free fall. The distance a body released from rest falls in time $t$ is proportional to the square of the amount of time it has fallen. \[ s=\frac{1}{2}gt^2 \]
164 free-fall equations (Earth) \[ g=32\frac{\mathrm{ft}}{\mathrm{s}^2}s=16t^2\\ g=9.8\frac{\mathrm{m}}{\mathrm{s}^2}s=4.9t^2 \]
167 If $c$ is the cost of producing $x$ units, then the marginal cost is defined as the cost per unit when producing $x$ units. \[ \begin{split} c'\left(x\right) &=\frac{dc}{dx}\\ &=\lim\limits_{h\rightarrow0} \frac{c\left(x+h\right)-c\left(x\right)}{h} \end{split} \]
marginal cost (informal) If $c$ is the cost of producing $x$ units, then the marginal cost is informally defined as the cost of producing one more unit. This cost is approximated by the derivative in the formal definition. \[ \frac{\Delta c}{\Delta x} =\frac{c\left(x+1\right)-c\left(x\right)}{1} \]
167 If $r$ is the revenue from producing $x$ units, then the marginal revenue is defined as the revenue per unit when producing $x$ units. \[ \begin{split} r^\prime\left(x\right) &=\frac{dr}{dx}\\ &=\lim\limits_{h\rightarrow0}\frac{r\left(x+h\right)-r\left(x\right)}{h} \end{split} \]
168 marginal tax rate. \[ \]
168 marginal revenue (informal) If $r$ is the revenue from producing $x$ units, then the marginal revenue is informally defined as the revenue from producing one more unit. This revenue is approximated by the derivative in the formal definition. \[ \frac{\Delta r}{\Delta x} =\frac{r\left(x+1\right)-r\left(x\right)}{1} \]
173 product rule for derivatives. \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left[f\left(x\right)g\left(x\right)\right] =f\left(x\right)g'\left(x\right) +g\left(x\right)f'\left(x\right)\\ \frac{d}{dx}\left(uv\right)=u\frac{dv}{dx}+v\frac{du}{dx}\\ \frac{d}{dx}\left[\frac{f\left(x\right)}{g\left(x\right)}\right] =\frac{g\left(x\right)f'\left(x\right)-f\left(x\right)g'\left(x\right)} {\left[g\left(x\right)\right]^2} \]
174 quotient rule for derivatives. \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left[\frac{1}{g\left(x\right)}\right] =-\frac{g'\left(x\right)} {\left[g\left(x\right)\right]^2}\\ d\left(\frac{1}{v}\right)=-\frac{dv}{v^2}\\ \frac{d}{dx}\left(\frac{u}{v}\right) =\frac{v\frac{du}{dx}-u\frac{dv}{dx}}{v^2}\\ d\left(\frac{u}{v}\right)=\frac{vdu-udv}{v^2} \]
175 power rule for negative integers where $n\lt0\in\Z$ \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left(x^n\right)=nx^{n-1} \]
180 derivative of sine provided $x$ measured in radians. \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left(\sin{x}\right)=\cos{x} \]
181 derivative of cosine provided $x$ measured in radians. \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left(\cos{x}\right)=-\sin{x} \]
183 derivative of tangent provided $x$ measured in radians. \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left(\tan{x}\right)=\sec^2{x} \]
183 derivative of secant provided $x$ measured in radians. \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left(\sec{x}\right)=\sec{x}\tan{x} \]
183 derivative of cosecant provided $x$ measured in radians. \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left(\csc{x}\right)=-\csc{x}\cot{x} \]
183 derivative of cotangent provided $x$ measured in radians. \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left(\cot{x}\right)=-\csc^2{x} \]
184 continuity of trigonometric functions and calculating limits of algebraic combinations and composites of trigonometric functions. where $f$ is a trigonometric function. The trigonometric functions are continuous on their domains since they are differentiable. Also, $\sec$ and $\tan$ are continuous except at nonzero integer multiples of $\pi/2$ and $\csc$ and $\cot$ are continuous except at integer multiples of $\pi.$ We use this equation to calculate limits of algebraic combinations and compositions of trig functions. \[ \lim\limits_{x\rightarrow c}f\left(x\right)=f\left(c\right) \]
188 chain rule \[ \left(f\circ g\right)'\left(x\right) =f'\left(g\left(x\right)\right)\cdot g'\left(x\right)\\ \frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{dy}{du}\cdot\frac{du}{dx} \]
190 relationship between parametric and regular derivatives \[ \frac{dy}{dt}=\frac{dy}{dx}\cdot\frac{dx}{dt} \]
190 parametric formula for the first derivative to express the derivative as a function of $t:$ \[ \frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{dy/dt}{dx/dt} \]
191 parametric formula for the second derivative to express the second derivative as a function of $t$ where $y'=\frac{dy}{dx}$ \[ \frac{d^2y}{dx^2}=\frac{dy'/dt}{dx/dt} \]
192 power chain rule. Since \[ \frac{d}{du}\left(u^n\right)=nu^{n-1} \] \[ \frac{d}{dx}\left(u^n\right)=nu^{n-1}\frac{du}{dx} \]
203 power rule for rational powers if $n$ is rational. \[ \frac{d}{dx}x^n=nx^{n-1} \]


Page Notes
149 differentiation The process of calculating a derivative
160 instantaneous rate of change is given by the derivative.
163 velocity graph See book for diagram. \[ \]
148 Steps to calculate the derivative from the definition
  1. Write expressions for $f\left(x\right)$ and $f\left(x+h\right).$
  2. Expand and simplify \[ \frac{f\left(x+h\right)-f\left(x\right)}{h}. \]
  3. Evaluate the limit \[ f^\prime\left(x\right) =\lim\limits_{h\rightarrow0} \frac{f\left(x+h\right)-f\left(x\right)}{h} \] using the simplified quotient from step 2.
154 Graphing a derivative. See the book for explanation.
155 differentiability implies continuity. If $f$ has a derivative at $x=c,$ then $f$ is continuous at $x=c.$
155 The converse of the preceding theorem is false. A function can be continuous at a point without being differentiable there.
153 differentiable A function is differentiable at a point iff it has left- and right-hand derivatives there.
155 intermediate value property for derivatives If $a$ and $b$ are any two points in an interval on which $f$ is differentiable, then its derivative has the intermediate value property: \[ \forall y_0\exists c\left(f'\left(a\right)\le y_0\le f'\left(b\right)\Rightarrow f'\left(c\right) =y_0\land c\in\left[a,b\right]\right) \]
155 intermediate value property for derivatives (interpretation) If a function does not have the intermediate value property on an interval, it cannot be a derivative on that interval. Hence, discontinuous functions cannot be derivatives, as follows from the contrapositive of the Intermediate Value Theorem for continuous functions.
156 second and higher-order derivatives See book for explanation.
167 marginals In economics, rates of change.
174 picturing the product rule See book for diagram.
178 witch of Agnesi, Newton’s serpentine See book for curves.
182 Simple Harmonic Motion See book for spring example.
193 radians vs degrees See book for explanation.
197 Bowditch curves, Lissajous figures
199 folium
198 refraction of light See book for relevance to implicit differentiation.
199 See book for details. When are the functions implicitly defined by $F\left(x,y\right)=0$ differentiable?
201 implicit differentiation Given the equation $F\left(x,y\right)=0:$
  1. Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to $x,$ treating $y$ as a differentiable function of $x.$
  2. Collect the terms with $dy/dx$ on one side of the equation.
  3. Factor out $dy/dx.$
  4. Solve for $dy/dx.$
The resulting formula for $dy/dx$ applies everywhere that the curve has a slope. Note too that the resulting formula for $dy/dx$ contains both variables $x$ and $y,$ not just the independent variable $x.$
207 related rates, related rate equations The problem of finding a rate you cannot measure easily from some other rate that you can is called a related rate problem.
209 Related Rate Problem Strategy
  1. Draw a picture and name the variables and constants. Use $t$ for time. Assume that all variables are differentiable functions of $t.$
  2. Write down the numerical information (in terms of the symbols you have chosen.)
  3. Write down what you are asked to find (usually a rate, expressed as a derivative.)
  4. Write an equation that relates the variables. You may have to combine two or more equations to get a single equation that relates the variable whose rate you want to the variables whose rates you know.
  5. Differentiate with respect to $t.$ Then express the rate you want in terms of the rate and variables whose values you know.
  6. Evaluate. Use known values to find the unknown rate.
chain rule interpretation Differentiate the outside function $f$ and evaluate it at the inside function $g.$ Then multiply by the derivative of the inside function.
191 Steps for applying parametric formula for second derivative
  1. Express $y'=dy/dx$ in terms of $t.$
  2. Find $dy'/dt.$
  3. Divide $dy'/dt$ by $dx/dt.$
148 differentiable at a point If the derivative exists at a point, the function is said to be differentiable at that point.
148 differentiable If the derivative exists at every point of a function’s domain, the function is said to be differentiable.