Page Description Equation
set difference \[ A-B=AB^c \]
symmetric difference. In probability, symmetric difference means one and only one of event $A$ and $B$ is realized. \[ A\Delta B=\left(A-B\right)\cup\left(B-A\right)=AB^c\cup BA^c \]
set complement \[ A\subset B\Rightarrow B^c\subset A^c \]
sets to disjoint sets \[ A\subset B\Rightarrow B=A\cup A^cB \]
sets to disjoint sets \[ A\cup B=A\cup A^cB \]
sets to disjoint sets (used in the next chapter) \[ A=AB\cup AB^c \]
sets additive identity \[ A\cup\emptyset=A \]
sets zero-product rule \[ A\cap\emptyset=\emptyset \]
sets identity sample space addition rule \[ A\cup S=S \]
sets identity sample space multiplication rule \[ A\cap S=A \]
27 De Morgan's law \[ \left(A\cup B\right)^c=A^cB^c \]
27 De Morgan's law \[ \left(AB\right)^c=A^c\cup B^c \]
29 relative frequency definition of probability \[ \Pr{\left(E\right)} = \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{n \left( E \right)}{n} \]
29 Axiom 1. First axiom of probability \[ 0\le\Pr{\left(E\right)}\le1 \]
29 Axiom 2. Second axiom of probability \[ \Pr{\left(S\right)}=1 \]
30 Axiom 3. Third axiom of probability for mutually exclusive events $E_i$ when $i\geq1.$ \[ \Pr{\left(\bigcup_{i=1}^{\infty}E_i\right)}=\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\Pr{\left(E_i\right)} \]
31 probability of complement \[ \Pr{\left(A^c\right)}=1-\Pr{\left(A\right)} \]
31 a theorem \[ A\subset B\Rightarrow\Pr{\left(A\right)}\le\Pr{\left(B\right)} \]
32 addition rule for probability \[ \Pr{\left(A\cup B\right)}=\Pr{\left(A\right)}+\Pr{\left(B\right)}-\Pr{\left(AB\right)} \]
multiplication rule for probability
extended multiplication rule for probability
Page Description

sample space. The sample space $S$ is the event that is the union of all events of an experiment.