Impersonal verbs are conjugated in the third person singular and plural only.


(Danesi 255)

Me gusta José.
I like José.

Carmen, ¿te gustan los huevos?
Carmen, do you like eggs?

A María le gustan las verduras.
María likes vegetables.

Me gusta el pollo.
I like chicken.

No nos gusta el pollo.
We don’t like chicken.

Les gusta salir.
They like to go out.

Tu me gustas (a mi).1
I like you.

Yo te gusto (a ti).1
You like me.


(Danesi 156)

Se me olvidó el paraguas.
I forgot my umbrella.

gustar, importar, quedar, doler

Works Cited

Danesi, Marcel and Stephen McGroarty. Living Language Spanish 2. A Conversational Approach to Verbs Third Edition. New York: Crown Publishers Inc. 1996. Print.


1 Graciela, Nancy and Alicia all agree the forms above are valid, but sources are needed. Those consulted indicate the impersonal verb is only allowed in the third person.