The Current File

Get the filename of the current file in normal mode:


Expand the name of the current file in command mode:

:e <C-r>%

Insert Mode Commands

Insert “<Del>”:


Insert the name of the current file in insert mode:


Insert the name of the alternate file in insert mode:



Open the options buffer in a new window:


List all options in effect that differ from their default values:


View the value of a boolean option:

:set hidden?

View the value of a numeric option: :set scroll or :set scroll?

View the value of a text option: :set fileformat or :set fileformat?

Turn on a boolean option.

:set hidden

Turn off a boolean option:

:set nohidden

Note that, unlike numeric and text options, omitting the ? after a boolean option does not return its value but turns it off.

Toggle a boolean option to opposite its current value:

:set hidden!

Get the current shell

:set shell?

Reset an option to its default value

:set iskeyword&

Vim Configuration and Environment

Get current configuration

:version or vim --version at the command line.

Get sourced vimrc :echo $MYVIMRC

Get sourced scripts including vimrc :scriptnames

Get runtimepath set runtimepath?