Page Description Equation
13 distance formula. Distance between points $P_1(x_1,y_1)$ and $P_2(x_2,y_2)$ \[ d=\sqrt{(x_1-x_2)^2 + (y_1-y_2)^2} \]
20 even function. A function is even if $\forall x\in \text{dom} f\ldots$ \[ f(-x)=f(x)\\ \]
20 odd function A function is odd if $\forall x\in \text{dom} f\ldots$ \[ f(x)=-f(x) \]
29 increasing function. A function is increasing on an interval $[a,b]$ if for all $x_1,x_2\in[a,b]\ldots$ \[ x_1 \lt x_2 \Rightarrow f(x_1)\lt f(x_2) \]
29 decreasing function. A function is decreasing on an interval $[a,b]$ if for all $x_1,x_2\in[a,b]\ldots$ \[ x_1 \lt x_2 \Rightarrow f(x_1)\gt f(x_2) \]
53 Pythagorean Triples. Any three integers $a,b,c$ satisfying $a^2+b^2=c^2$ are called Pythagorean Triples. If $m\gt n>0$ then $(a,b,c)$ as given are Pythagorean Triples. \[ \begin{align*} a&=m^2-n^2\\ b&=2mn\\ c&=m^2+n^2 \end{align*} \]


Page Notes
41 When two line segments meet, they form an angle. We ordinarily think of an angle as formed by two rays, $OA$ and $OB,$ that extend from a common point $O$ called the vertex. The rays are called the sides of the angle
42 If we think of the ray $OA$ as being fixed and $OB$ as rotating about the vertex, $OA$ is called the initial side and $OB$ the terminal side.

The amount of rotation of its terminal side is the measure of an angle. Two angles have equal size (measure) if they are formed by the same degree of rotation. Note the wording, "equal size" not "equal angles". Angle size is usually measured in degress or radians.

The measure of an angle is not unique because there are many possible rotations of its terminal side to achieve the same angle. However, if a measure of an angle $A$ is given, we may denote it $m(A).$ Just remember, another measure $m'(A)\ne m(A)$ is also possible for the same angle $A.$ The notation $m(A)$ refers to just one of these measures. The distinction between an angle and one of its measures is often blurred so that, given a measure $m(A)$ we write $A=m(A)$, such as $A=180^\circ.$

42 degree: A unit of angular measure defined as $\frac{1}{360}$ of the measure of an angle formed by one complete revolution of the terminal side about its vertex (360 degrees). A positive degree indicates a counterclockwise rotation of the terminal side, a negative degree a clockwise one.
42 radian: A unit of angular measure defined as the measure of an angle whose vertex is at the center of a circle of radius $r$ (i.e. a central angle) and whose rays subtend an arc on the circle whose length is $r.$
42 straight angle: An angle of $180^\circ,$ or of half of one complete revolution of the terminal side about the angle’s vertex, i.e. half of $360^\circ.$
42 right angle: An angle of $90^\circ,$ or of one fourth of one complete revolution of the terminal side about the angle’s vertex, i.e. one fourth of $360^\circ.$
42 acute angle: An angle smaller in size than a right angle.
42 obtuse angle: An angle larger than a right angle but smaller than a straight angle.

congruent, coterminal angles. Angles $A$ and $B$ are said to be coterminal (congruent) if \[ \begin{align*} m(A) &\equiv m(B)\pmod{360^\circ}\\ m(A) &\equiv m(B)\pmod{2\pi} \end{align*} \] or equivalently, if \[ \begin{align*} m\left(A\right) &=m\left(B\right)+360^\circ n\\ m\left(A\right) &=m\left(B\right)+2\pi n \end{align*} \] for some integer $n,$ and we write \[ A\equiv B \]

Note the distinction between equal measures and coterminal (congruent) angles. For example, if $\alpha=m(A)=0$ and $\beta=m(B)=2\pi$ then \[ A\equiv B \] since \[ \alpha\equiv\beta\pmod{2\pi} \] but \[ \alpha\ne\beta \] since \[ 0\ne2\pi \] In this discussion, as in the book, "equal angles" have not been defined, but in practice, we forgive writing \( A=B \) instead of \( A\equiv B \) so that equality of angles is synonymous with congruence. That is, when it is understood that $A$ and $B$ refer to the angles themselves and not their measures. Another way to say this, given in the book, is that two angles with the same initial and terminal sides are coterminal (congruent), leaving meaning of "sameness" to the reader. In general, coterminal angles differ in measure by an integral multiple of $360^\circ$ or $2\pi\text{ radians}.$

43 positive angle. If the angle is measured through counterclockwise rotation of the terminal side then it's sign is positive.
43 negative angle. If the angle is measured through clockwise rotation of the terminal side then it's sign is negative.

Principal angle. The measure of an angle $A$ is not unique. Given one of these measures, $m\left(A\right),$ we may express its set of all possible measures by \[ m\left(A\right)+2\pi n \] for every integer $n.$ Let \begin{equation} \label{eq_PrincipalAngle} m'(A)=m\left(A\right)+2\pi n \end{equation} such that $n$ satisfies \begin{equation} \label{eq_PrincipalAnglePredicate} 0\le m\left(A\right)+2\pi n\lt2\pi \end{equation} That the linear inequality \eqref{eq_PrincipalAnglePredicate} has a unique solution in $n$ is guaranteed by algebra. Thus, angle $A$ is guaranteed to have a unique measure between $0$ and $2\pi,$ denoted by $m'(A)$ in equation \eqref{eq_PrincipalAngle}. Allowing $m(A')=m'(A)$ then $A'$ is known as the principal angle of $A$ and we may restate equation \eqref{eq_PrincipalAngle} as \begin{equation} \label{eq_PrincipalAngleRevised} m(A')=m\left(A\right)+2\pi n \end{equation} subject to \eqref{eq_PrincipalAnglePredicate}. To find the measure of the principal angle $A'$, first find the integer $n$ that satisfies the inequality \[ -\frac{m\left(A\right)}{2\pi}\le n\lt\frac{2\pi-m\left(A\right)}{2\pi} \]

  • If $n\gt0$ then $n$ is the integer part of $-\frac{m\left(A\right)}{2\pi},$ the left-hand term.
  • If $n\lt0$ then $n$ is the integer part of $\frac{2\pi-m\left(A\right)}{2\pi},$ the right-hand term.
Next, substitute that value of $n$ in equation \eqref{eq_PrincipalAngleRevised} and compute $m(A')$. To solve for degrees, substitute "$360^\circ$" for "$2\pi$" in the steps given.
45 complementary angle: Two angles are complementary if and only if the sum of their measures is $90^\circ.$
45 supplementary angle: Two angles are supplementary if and only if the sum of their measures is $180^\circ.$
45 minute: A unit of angular measure equal to $\frac{1}{60}^\circ,$ normally written as $1'.$
45 second: A unit of angular measure equal to $\frac{1}{60}^\prime$, normally written as $1''.$
46 standard position: An angle $A$ is in standard position if its vertex is at the origin and its initial side is on the positive half of the $x$-axis. The measure of such an angle is taken to be the positive measure from the initial side (the positive $x$-axis) to the terminal side.
47 first quadrant angle: An angle whose terminal side is in the first quadrant.
47 second quadrant angle: An angle whose terminal side is in the second quadrant.
47 third quadrant angle: An angle whose terminal side is in the third quadrant.
47 fourth quadrant angle: An angle whose terminal side is in the fourth quadrant.
47 quadrantal angle: An angle whose terminal side does not lie in any quadrant but lies on one of the axes.
49 equiangular triangle: A triangle whose angles are exactly the same.
49 equilateral triangle: A triangle whose sides all have the same length.
49 isosceles triangle: A triangle two of whose sides are equal in length.
49 right triangle: A triangle one of whose angles is a right angle.
49 oblique triangle: A triangle none of whose angles are right angles.
opposite side: The side of a triangle connecting the two sides adjacent to the vertex to which the side is opposite.
50 adjacent side: A side of a triangle that ends at the vertex to which it is adjacent.
50 hypotenuse: The opposite to the vertex of the right angle in a right triangle.

Special Right Triangles

The $30^\circ\text{-}60^\circ$ Right Triangle
The ratios of the sides are \[ \quad 1:\sqrt{3}:2 \] where the first side is opposite the $30^\circ$ angle, the second side is adjacent the $30^\circ$ angle, and the third side is the hypotenuse.

The $45^\circ\text{-}45^\circ$ Right Triangle
The ratios of the sides are \[ \quad 1:1:\sqrt{2} \] where the first and second sides are opposite the $45^\circ$ angles and the third side is the hypotenuse.

52 Pythagorean triple: Three integers that have the property that the sum of the square of two of the integers equals the square of the remaining integer.
53 similar triangles: Two triangles that have the same shape (not the same size), i.e. whose angles are equal.