Chapter 4 Linear and Quadratic Functions
Ellipse is when the circle is flatened or stretched to form an egg-shaped curve. -
The axes of the ellipse are the vertical line segment and horizontal line segment. -
The longer line segment is called
major axis , and the shorter one is calledminor axis . -
The vertices of the ellipse are the endpoints of the major axis. The midpoint of the major/minor axis is called thecenter.
The graph of a
hyperbola is \[ \left( \frac{x^2}{a^2} \right) -\left( \frac{y^2}{b^2} \right)=1 \] and theasymptotes of the curve are the lines \[ y=\pm\frac{a}{b}x \] -
The line segment that connects the vertices
of the hyperbola is called the
transverse axis and the other axis of the hyperbola is called theconjugate axis. -
The midpoint of both the transverse axis
and the conjugate axis is the
center of the hyperbola.
parabola if either $A=0$ or $C=0,$ but not both. -
circle if $A=C\neq0.$ -
ellipse if $A\neq C$ and $AC\gt0.$ -
hyperbola if $AC\lt0$.
When two lines intersect at a point $P,$
one method to find the coordinates
of $P$ is
Another method is
- the line and the parabola intersect at two points.
- the line and the parabola intersect at one point.
- the line and the parabola do not intersect.