The Present Participle
Regular Present Participles
To form the present participle of regular verbs, add the following ending to the stem of the infinitive. (Danesi 24)
if an-ar
if an-er
cocinar: Yo estoy cocinando. / I am cooking.
comer: Yo estoy comiendo. / I am eating.
venir: Yo estoy viniendo. / I am coming.
Irregular Present Participles
caer / cayendo
to fall / falling\
conseguir / consiguiendo
to obtain / obtaining
construir / construyendo
to construct / constructing
corregir / corrigiendo
to correct / correcting
creer / creyendo
to believe / believing
decir / diciendo
to say / saying
despedirse / despidiéndose
to say goodbye / saying goodbye
destruir / destruyendo
to destroy / destroying
divertirse / divirtiéndose
to enjoy oneself / enjoying oneself
dormir / durmiendo
to sleep / sleeping
huir / huyendo
to flee / fleeing
ir / yendo
to go / going
leer / leyendo
to read / reading
mentir / mintiendo
to lie / lying
morir / muriendo
to die / dying
oír / oyendo
to hear / hearing
pedir / pidiendo
to ask for, request / asking for, requesting
poder / pudiendo
to be able / being able
reír / riendo
to cry / crying
repetir / repitiendo
to repeat / repeating
seguir / siguiendo
to follow / following
sentir / sintiendo
to feel / feeling
servir / sirviendo
to serve / serving
traer / trayendo
to bring / bringing
venir / viniendo
to come / coming
vestir / vistiendo
to dress / dressing
vestirse / vistiéndose
to dress oneself / dressing oneself
Works Cited
Danesi, Marcel and Stephen McGroarty. Living Language Spanish 2. A Conversational Approach to Verbs Third Edition. New York: Crown Publishers Inc. 1996. Print.