To count number of child directories in C:\, not counting sub-directories:

dir C:\ /A:D

To count number of child directories in C:\ and in sub-directories:

dir C:\ /S /A:D

To count number of files in C:\, not counting sub-directories:

dir C:\ /A:-D

To count number of files in C:\ and in sub-directories, use:

dir C:\ /S /A:-D

To list files in a OneDrive folder:

dir /a

To list files one page at a time:

dir | more

The hyphen before D means “not”, as in “not directories”. In each case, the number of files and directories is reported at the end of the output, as "m File(s) n Dir(s)".

Note that every directory contains two “alias” directories, . (dot) and .. (dot dot). These two alias directories are included in the count that dir reports. Thus, dir %path% will report “2 Dir(s)” when %path% is an empty directory. Furthermore, if %path% itself is a directory, then dir %path% does not include the %path% itself in the directories count, but its two child alias directories are counted. Thus, the formula for the reported count is:

ReportedCount = TrueCount + TrueCount * 2 + 2 = TrueCount * 3 + 2

Thus, to calculate the TrueCount from the ReportedCount, use:

TrueCount = (ReportedCount - 2) / 3


Computer Hope Article