Lagrange's Theorem. If $H$ is a subgroup of a finite group $G,$ then the order of $H$ is a divisor of the order of $G.$

Note. (Page 83) Since $\abs{S_3}=3!=6,$ any subgroup of $S_3$ must have order $1,2,3,$ or $6;$ $S_3$ cannot have subgroups of order $4$ or $5.$ A group of order $7$ can have only the two obvious subgroups: $\{e\},$ of order $1;$ and the group itself, of order $7.$

Definition. (Page 84) The integer $k$ appearing in the proof of Lagrange's Theorem is called the index of $H$ in $G.$ This index will be denoted $[G:H].$ Thus, $[G:H]$ is the number of right cosets of $H$ in $G,$ and \[ \abs{G}=\abs{H}\cdot[G:H]. \] Notice that this equation shows that $[G:H],$ as well as $\abs{H},$ is a divisor of $\abs{G}.$

Corollary. (Page 84) If $G$ is a finite group and $a\in G,$ then the order of $a$ is a divisor of the order of $G.$

Corollary. (Page 84) A group $G$ of prime order contains no subgroup other than $\{e\}$ and $G.$

Corollary. (Page 84) Each group $G$ of prime order is cyclic, generated by any one of its nonidentity elements.

Example 17.1. Groups of prime-squared order need not be cyclic. For example, $\Z_p\times\Z_p$ has order $p^2$ but is not cyclic because it has no element of order $p^2;$ each of its nonidentity elements has order $p.$

Example 17.2. Lagrange's Theorem simplifies the problem of determining subgroups of a finite group. Let $G$ denote the Symmetry Group of the Square. Aside from $\{\mu_1\}$ and the whole group, any subgroup must have order $2$ or $4.$ Subgroups of order $2$ are easy to determine — each contains the identity together with an element of order $2.$ (These correspond to appearances of $\mu_1$ on the diagonal of the Cayley table for symmetries of a square.) In this case, the following subgroups all have order $2.$ \[ \gen{\mu_3}, \gen{\mu_5}, \gen{\mu_6}, \gen{\mu_7}, \gen{\mu_8} \] This leaves only order $4,$ and careful inspection will reveal three subgroups of this order: \[ \gen{\mu_2}, \gen{\mu_5,\mu_6}, \gen{\mu_7,\mu_8}. \]

Definition. (Page 84) Figure 17.1 shows the subgroups of $G$ from Example N 17.2 and the inclusion relations between them. This is an example of a subgroup lattice. Such a figure is constructed as follows. If $A$ and $B$ are subgroups of $G$ with $A\subsetneq B,$ and there is no subgroup $C$ such that $A\subsetneq C\subsetneq B,$ then $B$ appears above $A$ and a segment is drawn connecting $A$ and $B.$

Note. (Page 85) Lagrange's theorem does not say that if $n$ is a divisor of the order of $G,$ then $G$ has a subgroup of order $n.$ That would be false. For example, there is a group of order $12$ having no subgroup of order $6.$ However, Theorem 17.1 shows that if $G$ is a cyclic finite group of order $n,$ then it does have a subgroup of every order dividing $n.$

Guevara Note. (Page 85) A cyclic group need not be finite. See pages 72-73.

Theorem 17.1. Let $G$ be a cyclic group of (finite) order $n,$ with $G=\gen{a}$ $=\{e,a,a^2,\ldots,a^{n-1}\}.$

  1. Every subgroup of $G$ is cyclic.
  2. If $1\le k\lt n,$ then $a^k$ generates a subgroup of order $n/(k,n),$ where $(k,n)$ is the greatest common divisor of $k$ and $n.$
  3. For each positive divisor $d$ of $n,$ $G$ has exactly one subgroup of order $d.$

Example 17.3. The positive divisors of $12$ are $1,2,3,4,6,12.$ Thus, every cyclic group of order $12$ has exactly one (cyclic) subgroup of each of these orders. Figure 17.2 illustrates this by showing the subgroup lattice of $\Z_{12}.$ The notation $a^k$ in Theorem 17.1 becomes $k[a]$ in this example.